Are you divorcing a CEO or a Multi-Millionaire in the UK?
Women turn up feeling shame, regret, and embarrassed that they have let things slide or have very little knowledge of the finances. They are incredibly fearful of the future.

Ceri Griffiths of Willow Brook only works with women divorcing CEOs or Multi-Millionaires.
Why do you need help divorcing when the financial stakes are high?
The financial complexity of a CEO/Millionaire adds a different caveat to this type of divorce. It doesn't necessarily mean the divorce will be high conflict, nor does hiring Ceri encourage a battle. On the contrary, these services are designed to assist women in establishing their own power and understanding of the process and what is on the table to reduce conflict. 82% of women have given their husbands control of the family finances, and with women spinning so many plates, one less plate is welcomed.
'Why not? if you believe yourself to be in a loving relationship.'
It can be easy to judge these women, with their expensive cars and designer clothing and home, but don't. Financial abuse exists on every income level, and it may mean no access to money, controlled by their husbands who have paid for their clothing and know every single pound spent and where. Women in these situations may not be aware of how much their lives have been controlled until they are in the midst of their divorce. Ceri is paid at the end of the process, making her services accessible.
Women turn up feeling shame, regret, and embarrassed that they have let things slide or have very little knowledge of the finances. They are incredibly fearful of the future. And that is OK because there is a four-part program to get them on track to an amazing future.
'What do you want from this divorce?'
A question we should all ask ourselves, I assure you many of us do not know. If you don't know, how can you expect the Judge to know? The UK legal system is based on assessing needs, and needs are subjective and individual to each and every case. Yes, we hear in the press the 'gold digger' scandal stories, but this is genuinely and generally not the case. This is clickbait.
The process.
Ceri starts with Wellness- making sure you are financially confident and clear about the divorce assets and belief systems around money. Intent- seeing your future, calculating the costs, understanding priorities, and importantly, articulating what you want and asking for it. Stress Test- being presented with an offer or proposal and seeing how realistic it will be, allowing you to make an informed decision to accept or not. Evolve- essential education around investing, covering all aspects from ethical to risk. Being a part of investment decisions with confidence.
Ceri, as a financial planner utilises software and experience to work out the figures and then works with you to plan your future. Often, in these types of divorces, it will be a lump sum settlement, possibly including the house and other assets that will need to be maintained.
Ceri knows what lies ahead, and that it takes about 2 years on average to get divorced. There are cases where it's quicker and some longer. We discuss the fight -the expensive divorce, flight -accepting less to leave as quickly as possible, and the freeze instinct -paralysed and unable to make decisions. Working through the program establishes a healthier understanding of themselves, their needs, and more importantly their future needs and what an acceptable settlement looks like. Including planning for the needs of the children as they grow up.
'I encourage forward decision-making for their future.'
Any Red flags?
The amicable spouse with an Excel spreadsheet may genuinely think he is being fair. Fair is his good intent and perception. Without sitting down and seeing the finances and understanding the future, this spreadsheet is questionable. These women have been 'taken care of' and won't realise the cost of living or how much it costs to maintain the family home. Many CEOs believe their pension, their years of hard work, is theirs. It's not. The UK considers pensions as marital assets, and so they are to be discussed and split appropriately, in the same way as other assets. These high-net-worth, high-powered men often work in environments where money isn't paid upfront for a completed project, payment can come in the form of shares, or future payments that may not be shown on the spreadsheet. There is a lot to consider with the complexities of their finances.
Ceri is a member of Resolution. 'Resolution's members follow a Code of Practice that promotes a constructive approach to family issues and considers the needs of the whole family.'
If you want to share your story or you are a professional who wants to share some insights, please email me at