Expert Series Matthew Pruen Relationship Coach Part II Divorce can be traumatic, the death of a dream once created during the high of falling in love is now painful and unbearable. This trauma is no different from a bereavement, and with it comes the perceived threat of survival.
Happily Married I found my wife interesting at first sight. I was nearing 40 and I had already dated enough women to know what wasn't right for me and I knew what I wanted for my future.
Expert Series Featured Divorce is a Baptism of Fire People can't understand divorce until they have to go through it, and when they do, it's an absolute baptism of fire. Dante's Inferno.
Expert Series Accountants & Divorce in the UK. We all hear stories about someone's ex hiding money or assets - this is illegal. If you havent started your divorce, now is the time to gather as much information as possible
Expert Series Are you divorcing a CEO or a Multi-Millionaire in the UK? Women turn up feeling shame, regret, and embarrassed that they have let things slide or have very little knowledge of the finances. They are incredibly fearful of the future.
Valentine's Day Re-design your Valentine's Day. Divorce awakens a spectrum of emotions that can leave you feeling out of control and somewhat irrational. A reminder of what was, even if you called it quits. It can be even more challenging when your ex appears to have swiftly moved on.
Abusive Fathers Featured My father used me to stay close to my mother. I learnt to sit quietly, not make a nuisance of myself and daydream. I went from being very bright and curious to having 'learning issues'. Society was cruel, and I was punished for having divorced parents.
Expert Series Matthew Pruen, Relationship Coach Part I When we start to see aspects that don't fit with the perfect person we fell in love with, it can feel like betrayal.
Expert Series Caron Kipping, Divorce & Separation Coach. a person continuously adjusts themself to suit their spouse and as time passes by, their sense of self has faded away.
Children of Divorce This was my Christmas after they divorced. Christmas marketing reminding me that my life was already a failure, that I was an outcast from societal norms. One celebrated the idea of Christmas and the other thought it was nonsense.
Divorce & Finances He is not the man I married. No longer telling her she hadn't achieved anything in her life, he started to assure her she was a crap mother. He began to undermine every single decision she made.
Expert Series How Sara Davison's divorce shaped her career. Sara wrongly expected he would want a quick and easy divorce, considering his betrayal and a baby on the way.
Controlling Ex This is my future, try me. We did attempt therapy, and when I raised the topic of his affairs he laughed and assured the therapist he had left no evidence.
Abusive Divorce I was ambitious, my wife didn't want me to be. We tried multiple therapists, but she wouldn't see her role in the demise of us. She focused on every minute detail of what I didn't do, she was a pit bull with her anger and sensitive to everything.
Abusive Marriage Featured Abuse can catch you by surprise. Leaving an abusive relationship takes careful planning, logistics, and support. Without that support and protection, the abused often return, or worse.
Expert Series Free Divorce Advice and Support from The ExExperts Two best friends, two cheating husbands, two very different divorce experiences; one easy and one that took four years. They quickly learnt how hard it was to navigate and created The ExExperts.
Abusive Step-Father Featured Divorce shattered my youth. The psychologist had shared my private sessions with Mum, who weaponised my private struggles to paint Dad as an abuser!
Children of Divorce Divorce took a chunk out of me I hated going to my dad and I dreaded coming home to my mum. Neither home was emotionally safe for me,
Divorce Dynamics The Timing was Right until it wasn't. My children have suffered and continue to suffer and it hurts me that I can't shield them from this madness. Each one has reacted differently and at different times
Addiction The cost of gambling is always more than money. ‘I am a gambler, I have an addiction, I have hurt the people I love, I have stolen and I have paid for all of it financially and today I am still paying emotionally for my actions. Vanessa had a right to be hurt and angry, but the kids did not deserve the pain and anger she pushed upon them.’
Expert Series Get a Financial Audit before you divorce. When you are the person paying child support, alimony, mortgage/rent, the idea of meeting a financial advisor can seem ridiculous.
Emotions We were crazy in love for 7 years, and then we weren't. hey bought a stunning apartment overlooking a park, and Matt got to walk home from work to his beautiful Vikki. Pure romance. Not for a second had he considered marriage. He had grown up in a volatile, unstable home, and it had put him off the idea of marriage.
Dating After Divorce You May Need A Relationship Coach After Your Divorce How we are in relationships is learnt behaviour from watching our parents from the day we are born to 5yrs. This is not something we are consciously aware of.
Financial Infidelity He lied about the money he stole from our children. He lied about money, he lied about what he ate for lunch. A love story ruined by financial infidelity
Adultery & Infidelity Adultery was the easy route out. Well, it was great until my brother-in-law followed me and saw us going for a run together. My wife confronted me when I returned, and I lied. She showed me the photos and threw me out