Adultery & Infidelity I continue to cheat on my wife I know she will smell them and check the pockets for clues- it's only natural. Being caught gave me new skills to not get caught again
Adultery & Infidelity I am madly in love with my ex-wife. Life got harder and we couldn't catch our breath to repair the cracks that were forming under the extreme pressure of life. We loved each other, that was not the issue and still isn't.
Adultery & Infidelity She told me her divorce was simple. I learnt otherwise. The wedding was beautiful, the party was fun, and still there lingered a sense of why did he wait so long? She shelved her grievances until one night....
Children of Divorce I could have this many siblings. I don't want to know. How many siblings does she have? She doesn't know and she doesn't want to know. She has taken herself off all social media to avoid being contacted by the many more lurking out there.
Controlling Ex This is my future, try me. We did attempt therapy, and when I raised the topic of his affairs he laughed and assured the therapist he had left no evidence.
Children of Divorce Divorce took a chunk out of me I hated going to my dad and I dreaded coming home to my mum. Neither home was emotionally safe for me,
Divorce Dynamics The Timing was Right until it wasn't. My children have suffered and continue to suffer and it hurts me that I can't shield them from this madness. Each one has reacted differently and at different times
Adultery & Infidelity Adultery was the easy route out. Well, it was great until my brother-in-law followed me and saw us going for a run together. My wife confronted me when I returned, and I lied. She showed me the photos and threw me out