Valentine's Day Valentine Who? I learnt a few weeks ago about a trend that is gaining traction called 'Me First', or 'First Me', or 'Put Me First'- which started in 2022 and went viral. Yes, it's predominantly owned by the youth, but hey, maybe they are onto something.
Divorced Dad My ex-wife set the visitation rules and I didn't fight her. Give her what she wants financially. I will not go to court and put my little girl through watching her parents fight over her.
Burn out He cared even less after we divorced. It took another two years for me to say out loud to myself 'I want a divorce' and to actually call a lawyer. I threatened divorce all the time, assuring him that one day he would have to be a parent that turns up.
Valentine's Day Re-design your Valentine's Day. Divorce awakens a spectrum of emotions that can leave you feeling out of control and somewhat irrational. A reminder of what was, even if you called it quits. It can be even more challenging when your ex appears to have swiftly moved on.
Children of Divorce This was my Christmas after they divorced. Christmas marketing reminding me that my life was already a failure, that I was an outcast from societal norms. One celebrated the idea of Christmas and the other thought it was nonsense.
Expert Series How Sara Davison's divorce shaped her career. Sara wrongly expected he would want a quick and easy divorce, considering his betrayal and a baby on the way.
Abusive Marriage Featured Abuse can catch you by surprise. Leaving an abusive relationship takes careful planning, logistics, and support. Without that support and protection, the abused often return, or worse.
Children of Divorce Divorce took a chunk out of me I hated going to my dad and I dreaded coming home to my mum. Neither home was emotionally safe for me,
Addiction The cost of gambling is always more than money. ‘I am a gambler, I have an addiction, I have hurt the people I love, I have stolen and I have paid for all of it financially and today I am still paying emotionally for my actions. Vanessa had a right to be hurt and angry, but the kids did not deserve the pain and anger she pushed upon them.’
Emotions We were crazy in love for 7 years, and then we weren't. hey bought a stunning apartment overlooking a park, and Matt got to walk home from work to his beautiful Vikki. Pure romance. Not for a second had he considered marriage. He had grown up in a volatile, unstable home, and it had put him off the idea of marriage.
Dating After Divorce You May Need A Relationship Coach After Your Divorce How we are in relationships is learnt behaviour from watching our parents from the day we are born to 5yrs. This is not something we are consciously aware of.
Financial Infidelity He lied about the money he stole from our children. He lied about money, he lied about what he ate for lunch. A love story ruined by financial infidelity