Expert Series The coach you need for a 'tricky' divorce. Nawal is a lawyer, a mediator, and a divorcee. When she experienced leaving her narcissistic ex, Google search couldn't provide her with the necessary information to deal with her 'tricky divorce'
Expert Series Caron Kipping, Divorce & Separation Coach. a person continuously adjusts themself to suit their spouse and as time passes by, their sense of self has faded away.
Abusive Marriage Featured Abuse can catch you by surprise. Leaving an abusive relationship takes careful planning, logistics, and support. Without that support and protection, the abused often return, or worse.
Abusive Divorce Interview me! I am the angry ex-wife. Dani is a vibrant powerhouse of a woman. She has a very honest and direct way about her and I couldn’t imagine her story would be so awful, especially as they never had a child together.